Category Archives: Literature


“Yet let me hope that De Bracy’s name has not been always unspoken when minstrels or heralds have praised deeds of chivalry, whether in the lists or in the battlefield.”  “To heralds and to minstrels, then, leave they praise, Sir Knight,” replied Rowena, “more suiting for their mouths than for thine own.” (185)

Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott

I love this quote, and it’s one of a million from that book! 🙂

Module 7 Story #6


I’m so excited!  Excited about next Tuesday too…

Sorry it’s so short.  I finished Part 9 of The Sacrifice today, and some of those chapters are pretty long–like un-optional-continuereading-buttons kind of long! 🙂  And the story itself is going to be long too.  I don’t ‘do’ short.  But… you guys don’t seem to mind long stories, so I guess we’re okay! 🙂  Anyway–


The rest of our trip flew by. The fossil was excavated successfully, and before I knew it, it was time to head home. The plane-flight was still grueling, but I considered the trip worth it!

We arrived at the airport late in the afternoon, and went to grandma and grandpa’s house first thing, to pick up the little girls.

“How was it?” grandma asked me.

“It was good,” I answered, and before I could say anything else, Hannah intervened, “It’s not fair that you went to Siberia without me! I didn’t know it was so exciting until I heard Mrs. Williams talking to grandma at church about how amazing it was you were going so young!”

“You would have been bored, sweetie!” I said kissing her hair. “There’s nothing over there but ice and snow and frozen mud and frozen mammoths.”

“What’s a mammoth?” asked Hannah.
“It an elephant,” said Millie wisely.

“No,” I corrected, “Actually, it’s not.”

“Then what is it?” asked Millie.

“It’s a long story,” I said. “I’ll tell you later.”

The End

Module 7 Story #5

So, this is the really long one!  It’s also really scientific… I hope my version of the facts makes sense! 🙂

Also, it looks like I’ll be doing Book Reviews through April.  Five more, and then we’ll see what things look like.

Okay: here goes.  Have fun, and (if it makes any sense) learn something new! 🙂  I added in the first few lines of the conversation that were in Part #4, just to make sure it made sense!  Oh! and I came up with a name for this one: “Cassie’s Question.” 🙂


It took me a full five minutes to work up my courage to ask a question. “Uncle Jonathan?”

“Yes, Cassidy?”

“In that picture you showed me last night… of the mammoth… how do we know what they look like?”

“Because of fossils like this.”

“You said fossils like this are rare—what sort of fossils do you usually find? Have we found dinosaur fossils like this?”

“Nope. Just mammoths,” Uncle Jonathan was quite decided on that point.

“But I’ve seen pictures of dinosaurs. Did people just make those up?”

“Most of them. All we have of most dinosaurs is the bones.”

“That’s disconcerting.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“Why?” I asked suspiciously.

“Because it shows we have something in common. It bothers me too.”

“Oh! of course,” I faltered, for lack of anything else to say.

“So, why do we just have the bones? What happened?”

Continue reading Module 7 Story #5

Module 7 Story #4

Part 4!  Only two more!  🙁  Part 5 is really long, but the last one is really short.  I started writing my second science story yesterday to go along with Module 8!  I’m not sure how long that one is going to be… probably long because, well, because it’s written by me! 🙂


I found just Mom and Aunt Dakota in the “kitchen” the next morning when I got up.

“Feeling adventurous?” Mom asked.

“Like Indiana Jones,” I said sarcastically, sliding into a chair.

They had already eaten, but they sat down with me and drank some tea.

“We usually just have breakfast-bars or instant oatmeal for the sake of time,” my aunt explained. “But last time we were in town right before you guys came out and thought we’d get some bacon and pancakes for special, since we were having company.”

“Thank you!” I said, trying to think of the last time I’d had Bisquick pancakes—and failing.

“The guys are already out in the tent,” Mom said, after a few minutes. “Why don’t you go join them when you’re done?”

I cringed mentally. “Okay. Are you coming too?”

“We’re going to do the dishes and then come out.”

“I can stay and help you guys, if you want.” I offered.

“You are so not getting away with that!” Mom said laughing. “You’re going to go excavate a fossil!”

“I’m not allowed to touch it!” I pointed out.

“Then watch.”

Which is how I found myself outside in the frigid air, walking towards a tent full of men and preserved remains of once-living organisms. I paused to look at the scenery. Dreary as it was, it was beautiful—or would be in a picture. Picture? I should get my camera! I wasn’t allowed to take photos of the fossil, but I could capture this landscape to show my little sisters. They would be impressed.

For a long time ‘Siberia’ had been only a reference to our Siberian husky, Todd. Then it became pictures of snow and fossils that Uncle Jonathan sent us or put on Facebook. And it would be pictures only to Millie and Hannah still. But for me, it was a place now. A place I couldn’t decided if I liked.

I slipped into the tent after putting my camera away and found the two doctors working on the fossil with Dad watching. “Good morning, honey!” Dad said, as I came in. “Morning, Daddy!” I responded, making a wide circle around the fossil to stand next to him.

It took me a full five minutes to work up my courage to ask a question. “Uncle Jonathan?”

“Yes, Cassidy?”


So: finally getting back to you guys about what I’m going to call my characters that I asked you to help me name!  My Grandpa Richard suggested the name Olivia for the woman, and Spencer and Ellen both said they liked it.  The main character in SFHN is 11-13 (it covers several years) and so I call her ‘Mrs. Miller’ except for one time her husband calls her by her first name.  I decided to go with ‘Livi‘.  I’m using Spencer’s suggestion of Bartholomew for the German Shepherd–and either Spencer and I have similar preferences, Spencer’s taste has rubbed off on me incurably, or he knows me a little too well; because I decided to go with his name for the dragon too: Lord Abadalyx the Insatiably Greedy [aba-d-al-ix–all a’s make the sound as in cat].  The pronunciation is from S too.


Really, I loved all your names.  These ones just fit best in this story.  I’m making a mental note of that last post’s name, so I can look back at the comments next time I need help with names! 🙂

Happy Thursday!

March Book Reviews: “Great Expectations”

I started reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens on Mom’s Kindle on the plane, on the way home from China.  I read the first couple chapters and then… stopped.  I was going to pick it back up again when we got home, but I just got busy and did not.  Spencer prompted me to finish it, and I told him I would after I read The Sign of the Beaver.

So I did.  And I am sooo glad I did!  It is a wonderful book.  I had my doubts in the middle of it, but I got through it and loved it.

It was not because I was faithful, but because Joe was faithful, that I never ran away and went for a soldier or a sailor. (83)

It is about a little boy called Pip who grew up with his strong-handed sister and her husband the blacksmith, and was later adopted by a rich person to be their heir–without being told who his benefactor is.  Pip moves into his new life, making his guesses at who adopted him; pursuing his passion for the pretty girl he loved from the moment he met her, pushing aside his regret for leaving his brother-in-law and the girl he grew up with, haunted by the guilty-ridden memory of helping an escaped convict when he was a boy.

“You are one of those, Biddy,” said I, “who makes the most of every chance.” (98)

I do not really feel qualified to write a review about this book, in all honesty.  It is just… classic.  It has a very good ending–not the one I was expecting, but a good one.  I was mad at most of the characters through most of the book, but I was at peace with most of them at the end–all of them but two, I think.

She seemed much older than I, of course, being a girl, and beautiful and self-possessed; and she was as scornful of me as if she had been one-and-twenty, and a queen. (43)

It was written in the 1800s and the writing-style was a little difficult to read, but I did alright.  It is also a very long book.  So long, that I started feeling like I was almost done when I still had something like forty pages to read! 🙂

Technically it was realistic, but there were way too many coincidences, and too many eccentric people–which makes for a good story, but is unrealistic.  But realistic was never a priority for me, so that did not bother me at all! 🙂  But Mr. Dickens did seriously tie up all the ends.  It was amazing!  So when a person comes in, expect to see them again.  No matter how small a part they play, start looking for their second appearance.

“You are growing tall, Pip!”  I thought it best to hint, through the medium of a meditative look, that this might be occasioned by circumstances over which I had no control. (75)

This book was really funny, but parts of it were very seriously or sad.  My favorite kind of book is the ones that make you laugh one moment, and cry the next!


So: do my reviews bore you, or do you like them?  Who’s game for April?

Module 7 Story #3

I’m posting again because it Tuesday, but go ahead and comment on my last post if you haven’t yet!  And thanks to all of you who did already!  What would I do without you? 🙂

Sorry this part’s a little short.  The one after the next one is really long, so that’ll make up.  I can’t make things uniform: the chapters in my books are different lengths, the books in my series are different lengths, etc.  I don’t fit in categories.  At all.


We ate canned soup for dinner (it was very different from home-made chicken noodle!) and then went to bed, as the three of us were worn out from traveling. The door on the other side of the living area went into a third room, that was divided up into four rooms with temporary walls (the kind that feel as if they are carpeted, like the floor). There was a pathway down the middle, with two rooms on each side. Mom and Dad had the first room on the right; while I had my own room, the other on the right; Aunt and Uncle slept on the far left; while Dr. Peterson took the remaining room. We slept in sleeping-bags, laid on cots. Mom came in to say good-night to me before I turned off my electric-lantern.

“Mom,” I asked, “is this a once-in-a-lifetime trip?”

“Do you want it to be?”

“Mom! I never said that!”

“It was implied.”

“Mom, I don’t know anything about fossils–and I don’t even care!”

“Cassie, those guys are just having fun—you know that, right?”

I rolled my eyes. “Glad somebody is!”

“You are too.” Mom said confidently. “Or you would be if you’d let yourself! It’s an adventure, honey. Few people get to go to Siberia before they’re even in high-school. Just enjoy it!” She kissed my forehead. “I want you cheerful and adventurous in the morning! Now get some sleep.” She clicked off the light and went out. I sat up straight in the dark, exasperated.


I’m hoping to finish this before/by next Tuesday so I can move on.  I must have lost all my self-control between this story and Into the Dragon’s Lair! 🙂

What in the World would I do without you guys???

Guess what I started writing this week:


Yes, my next story!  It’s called The Sacrifice. *  I’m having all kinds of fun with it! 🙂


But I need some help–with names. 🙂  Could you guys help me?  I need a name for a dragon and a German Shepherd dog.  I can’t tell you much, but I’ll try and tell you a little about them without giving away any spoilers:

The dragon is fierce and greedy.  He is green, about 36 1/2 feet long from head to tail, and he’s a talking dragon–most of my dragons talk.  Smaug influence. 🙂  He has wings, and I think he is going to do a lot of flying!

The German Shepherd is big and strong, and very loyal.  I can’t really tell you anything about who he belongs to, but he is very close to his master, and knows his voice alone gives commands to be followed.

I need to come up with a name for the dragon before I can write much more, but the German Shepherd doesn’t come in for a while; so I might try to just pick the dragon’s quickly and move on, but narrow down names for the dog and post about it again.  We’ll see!


The reason I started writing The Sacrifice is because I finished editing Searching For His Name–except for one thing I need a little help with.  Guess what?  It’s a name.  Like always, but think of the title! 🙂

I need a name for a woman.  She and her husband have two sons.  They live in a big city, but the men go out and hunt in the surrounding forest.  Her last name is Miller.  I came up with a name for her but then decided I didn’t like it, so I’m looking for a new one.  Could you help me?  Please?

Thank you!  You guys are awesome!

🙂 ★ 🙂 ★ 🙂

The stars are also courtesy of Skylar! 🙂


* Special thanks to Ellen for helping me pick a name!

Above all shadows…

In western lands beneath the Sun
the flowers may rise in Spring,
the trees may bud, the waters run,
the merry finches sing.
Or there maybe ’tis cloudless night
and swaying beeches bear
the Elven-stars as jewels white
amid their branching hair.

Though here at journey’s end I lie
in darkness buried deep,
beyond all towers strong and high,
beyond all mountains steep,
above all shadows rides the Sun
and Stars forever dwell:
I will not say the Day is done,
nor bid the Stars farewell. (888)

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Module 7 Story #2

Mom, Michael, Lucy and I went to the zoo this morning with some friends!  It was really fun!  Last time we only went to the aquarium, but we went to see the cats, gorillas, butterflies, giraffes, and the Desert Dome today too which was fun! 🙂

Yeah, it’s not Tuesday.  I know.  I just couldn’t help myself.  I did warn you… actually, you guys are probably happy! 🙂

Oh! and yes, Savannah, I totally got the name ‘Dakota’ from you.  I had heard it before I read your story, but you brought it to life for me.  I hope you don’t mind! 🙂

Okay, here goes!  Have fun!


We struggled out of our snow-clothes and trooped in, finding ourselves in a smaller room with another door at the far end. It was filled most of the way up with a card-table, a small couch, a bookshelf, and four chairs; but a make-shift kitchen was set up in one corner. My Aunt Dakota was standing in front of the camping-stove stirring a small pot. She set down her spoon and came over to us—I wondered if she had been stirring the pot for fun, or if she deemed giving us hugs the instant we came in worth burning dinner. I certainly hoped it was the first!

I did not remember seeing Aunt Dakota before either, but she acted as if we were the best of friends.

“Wow! You’ve gotten so big!” she exclaimed. I sighed inwardly. “How old are you, Cassidy?”

“I’m thirteen.”

“Thirteen? My goodness! I can’t believe it! You were like seven or somethin’ last I saw you!”

More like six, I thought, smiling awkwardly.

Continue reading Module 7 Story #2