The Liebster Award

Good morning, hobbits!  Micaiah has tagged me for the Liebster Award!


Thank the person who nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions they gave you.
Name 11 facts about yourself.
Nominate 11 bloggers to do this tag, and let them know.
Give them 11 questions to answer.

Thanks, Micaiah!  And thanks, Jaidyn, for letting me steal your questions as well!  So I’ll be answering 22 questions. #rebel

This’ll be a good chance to get to know some random facts about yours truly! 🙂

Alrightie, Micaiah’s questions:

  1. What are your three favorite fonts? Sadly, my blog doesn’t like fonts from Google docs, so I can’t show you.  But there’s a fun one called “permanent marker” that I use for some plotting/behind the scenes stuff for Nieo & Star.  “Comic Sans MS” has always been one of my favorite fonts, and I think the italics of Times New Roman is especially beautiful (though I’m aware that’s not technical a font).
  2. Who are some people that inspire you, and in what ways do they do that? Ooh, good question!  To begin with, my family.  My parents, because they are awesome, selfless, and hardworking.  My older sister because she’s absolutely fearless, and my older brother because he is kind and creative.  My younger siblings because they are all precious, and really, really smart cookies.  Outside my family. . . Obviously, Tolkien.  Also Hannah Moore, because she was a writer, but she wrote about current issues.  She was also an abolitionist and worked with William Wilberforce–so she was out in her world making a difference, not just writing in a corner, and she used her writing to influence her society.
  3. If you’re a writer, how do you see yourself incorporated (most of the time unknowingly) inside your stories? Well, I’ve begun to realize that most of my characters are a bit like me, personality-wise.  A lot of them are artists in some way as well, whether that’s drawing, writing, dancing, etc.
  4. A hooded man tells you he is looking for someone to join him on an adventure. What do you do? Uh. . . raise both hands in the air?  Pick me!! (and can we bring Aragorn too please? thanks)
  5. How long, on average, does it take you to put together a blog post? Well, it depends on how you define your terms, I guess.  I usually mull over an idea for days before actually opening my computer, but once I start writing I really have to do it in a sitting, or it gets forgotten.
  6. If you could create a word, what would it be, and what would it describe? I would create different English words for love.  Basically, sacrificial Christ-like love, romantic love, friendship love, etc.  I find it really annoying (and confusing) that our culture has one word for all of them.  And I think our culture seems to view it as romantic love versus. . . lesser love.  Which is silly, because romance is not the only type of deep, long-lasting relationship.  Rant over. *cough*
  7. What is one word you are constantly misspelling? I like to imagine myself fairly good at spelling, but when I’m in a hurry I misspell a lot.  Because often turns into becuase, and love into lvoe.
  8. Quick, the house is on fire! Which three items do you grab before running out the door? Aaaaarrrrgh.  I hate this question.  Honestly, it stresses me out just thinking about it!  Can I say my younger siblings, and call it good?  Other than that, maybe my three notebooks with my story The Captured Princess Series in them?  The story is amateur, but I feel like it marked a turning point in my writing, so it’s special to me.  Most of my other story stuff is on the computer, and all my favorite books (like Lord of the Rings or Narnia) I could get new copies of.
  9. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I quite like my name actually, but I’ve always thought the name Alea was pretty–Ariel too. Basically anything starting with A.
  10. What’s your dream pet? Uh, dragon.  Duh.
  11. Cake or ice cream? Depends on the particulars, I guess.  Generally ice cream, but a really, really good chocolate cake could win out.

Phew, that was fun!  On to Jaidyn’s:

1. What are your favorite and least favorite colors? My favorite colors are dark blue, sage green, lavender, silver-gray.  My least favorite would be anything neon.

2. If you could describe yourself in one word, what would that word be?  Hm.  Maybe “artistic”?  Not in a boasting way, like I’m such a good artist, but just because I make everything into art.  I can’t live without creative license!

3. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? This is. . . surprisingly difficult.  I would probably have to say a fairy, because then I could fly–and maybe (pleasepleaseplease) have pointed ears?  But what girl doesn’t want to be a mermaid??

4. Have you ever touched a stingray? Yes!!  I love them!  Our zoo has an exhibit where you can pet stingrays, and they’re so smooth when you touch them!  They’re beautiful.

5. What was one of your favorite memories from 2017? All my older brother’s visits home from college, seeing Lake Michigan, performing in my first dance recital, my 17th birthday, getting my driver’s license.  2017 was a good year. . .

6. What are you looking forward to doing this year? Going to California to see the beach, and dancing on stage again!  Also writing more of N&S, because that story feels like home to me, and I’m excited to see where it goes!

7. What are some qualities you’d look for in your dream guy?? 🙂 Oh dear, you had to ask this??  Well, I’ve made a brief list. 1) He has to be into Jesus.  In fact, more into Jesus than he’s into me.  That’s a non-negotiable.  2) He has to be as cool as my Dad and my big brother.  So. . . yeah, I’ll be single.  But that’s fine. 3) He needs to be a leader.  ‘Cause. . . I normally dislike leading, and I’m not too good at it. 4) He has to like The Lord of the Rings.  No moral issue here, just how could I get along with someone who didn’t??  And he could be handsome, “as a young man ought to be, if he possibly can.”

8. What are five of your favorite blogs? And why? (if you want, you can answer the second question, but you obviously don’t need to 😉 ) Scattered Scribblings of Savannah Grace is one, because she’s awesome and I love reading about other writers.  Adventure Awaits has been fun to read too, for the same reason.  Micaiah’s Notebooks and Novels is great too.  So. . . I basically like reading blogs by fiction writers. 🙂  And Shannan Martin Writes is a blog my mom and I have read for years, and it’s been such a blessing to me!  Go read through her “adoption” tag if you want to know what helped inspire a lot of my deeper posts!

9. Do you like hot weather better than cold weather? Yes!  I like being able to run outside barefoot without thinking.

10. What color is your bedspread? Interesting question.  It has leaves and birds on it, so all kinds of colors. . . red, yellow, blue, brown, green, orange, etc.

11. Do you like the rain? I love the rain!  It smells so sweet and fresh, and it sounds like quiet footsteps on your roof.  It’s soothing and inspiring and friendly.

And. . . eleven random facts about me:

  1. I love the way snakes feel.  It creeps most people out, but I enjoy how warm and smooth they are on your hands.  I hold snakes every chance I get.
  2. I like bats.  So. . . yeah, I like creepy things.  But that’s okay.  I’ve just always thought bats were cool.  They’re like cuddly little hamsters, with dragon wings.  What’s not to like?
  3. I also like centipedes.  (See my story The Mushroom Feast)
  4. Shakespeare is one of my five favorite authors.  Most people seem to find him boring, but I think his writing is epic.  It just flows so beautifully!!  Julius Caesar is one of the most gorgeous things ever written.
  5. But. . . I don’t like Romeo and Juliet.  The writing’s pretty at times, but I personally think the storyline is pretty lame.  It actually angers me that it’s the most popular of Shakespeare’s works.
  6. “The Fellowship of the Ring” is my all-time favorite movie. . .
  7. . . . But I’m pretty sure The Two Towers is my favorite book!
  8. Moana is my favorite Disney princess.  (And yes, she’s a princess, I don’t care that she denies it.)
  9. Eowyn and Arwen are also princesses, thank you very much.
  10. I think I’ve read The Chronicles of Narnia about ten times.
  11. The first story I wrote was a fairytale, and haven’t looked back! #fairiesforthewin

Well, that was fun!  Happy Monday!  (I’m also breaking the rule about tagging others, because I’m pretty sure most of my following has already done this tag. 😉 )

11 thoughts on “The Liebster Award”

  1. Fun read and “yes” somewhat revealing!
    I had a thought about Micaiah’s question #7. I believe it was Einstein that said he did not have much regard for anyone who could only spell a word one way. I have addoppted has thinkling on this subjgect.

  2. I looked up that quote about spelling. Here it is: “Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination.” – Mark Twain
    Great post, Hanna!

  3. I loved reading your blog post. About “sacrificial Christ-like love,” one of the definitions of “charity” is the pure love of Christ 🙂

    On a less serious note, if you enjoy holding snakes, you’d love holding toads. They are surprisingly warm and soft. But unfortunately they pee on you every time you hold them . . .

    1. Thank you! Oh, I like that word, ‘charity’. I tend to reject it, since it feels old fashioned, but maybe we should bring it back!

      I have held toads! And love it. 🙂 They’re adorable, despite that unfortunate tendency.

  4. Loved this, Hanna! I enjoyed getting to know more about you. =) Haha, yes, take Aragorn! Tbh I don’t know if I would be as excited…. Dragons are probably scary in real life. xD

    Don’t worry, I like bats too. They’re kinda cute. And they eat bugs, which I loathe.

    1. Thanks! Haha, I’d probably chicken out halfway through though, so. . .

      I know, right? One bat can eat thousands of mosquitoes per night –they’re so under appreciated! 🙂

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