The Infinity Dream Tag

Okay, this is way over-due!!  Sorry, Micaiah!  Anyway, here we are now!



  • Thank the blogger that tagged you.
  • Share eleven random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the eleven random questions given to you.
  • Tag eleven other bloggers

Okay, thanks again, Micaiah!

Eleven random facts, here we go:

  1. If Buttercup, Eowyn, and Cinderella weren’t blonde, I’m pretty sure I would be desperately wanting dark hair right now.  (Stop laughing, Ellen.  I’m serious.)
  2. I was the youngest child for eleven years, but now I’m exactly in the middle, and I will soon have more younger siblings than older.
  3. I’m a jack of all trades when it comes to movies–I’ll watch The Hobbit with the boys, Cinderella with the Littles, or Jane Austen with my Mom and big sister.
  4. I didn’t cry the first time I read A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett or The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien, but both of them may have made me tear up really bad while I was re-reading recently. . .
  5. I’m dying to go back to China, but Iceland and England (or somewhere else with castles) are also on the bucket list.
  6. Dragons and hobbits are my favorite fairy-tale creatures.
  7. When I’m drawing, I can use up an eraser before I sharpen my pencil.  Needless to say, I hate using pens.
  8. I’m a total nature person, and I have a weird obsession with trees.  They’re so pretty!
  9. I also have the weirdest obsession with moss, ferns, and mushrooms.  I don’t like eating mushrooms (so I can’t be a hobbit *sigh*), but I love the way they look!  There so cute, and they’re in all the cute fairy stories.  Call my crazy.
  10. I was the first child in our family to get my ears pierced.  And I am (as of yet) the only child.  Come on, I had to do something first! 🙂
  11. I’m a toxophilite.  I’ve been one for a long time, but I just found the word, and I love it.

Okay, Micaiah’s questions:

Deep dish pizza or thin crust?

Thin crust, but I don’t have a big preference.

If you could spend a day with anyone from the Bible, who would it be? 


Would you rather live in Lothlorien or Rivendell?

Rivendell!  Trust me, I want to go to Lothlorien really bad, but I’d rather live in Rivendell!

His house was perfect whether you liked food, or sleep, or work, or story-telling, or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all (51). —The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

Ahhh. . .

You get to be President for a day. What do you do first?

Hmm. . . probably something to help adopting families.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Uh. . . I don’t know.  I used to want my sister’s name (Rebecca), but I really like my name now!

What’s your dream pet?

A dragon.  Does it have to be real?  Okay, fine: I large dog, or a hedgehog.

You just won five hundred dollars. What are you going to do with it?

It’d put it in the jar we’re filling to try and take the whole family to China.  After our trip, I’d probably say self-publish a book.

Turkey bacon or real bacon?

I’ve. . . never had turkey bacon.

What is your dream car?

I don’t know.  I’m not enough of a car person!

Canoeing or kayaking?

I’m not sure.  I’ve done both, but it’s been a long time since I went canoeing!

Lakeside cabin or beach house?

Oh my word, that’s hard!  I don’t know!  Probably the cabin??

Great questions, Micaiah!  (Hard though!)

I tag (as close to eleven as I can get):

Four.  Ah well, eleven is a lot!  Okay, my questions:

  1. What is your dream job?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. What is your favorite season?
  4. What is your favorite genre of book to read? (here had to be at least one about books! 😉 )
  5. Do you prefer to be inside or outside?
  6. Does it bother you more to be hot or cold?
  7. What was the last book to make you cry (if you’ve cried about a book)?
  8. What was the last movie?
  9. Who is your favorite author? (definitely more than one about books, I guess!)
  10. If you could publish a book, would it be fiction or nonfiction?  (while I’m at it!)  Tell us about it!
  11. What’s your favorite song?

Have fun, girls!

8 thoughts on “The Infinity Dream Tag”

  1. I enjoyed reading this, girls. Nice job on questions and answers Thanks for sharing with us lucky ones. Love you-Hanna

  2. I loved this post Hanna, it was so much fun to read!
    *gasps* You hate using pens? Well, for drawing I guess that makes sense, but when I’m hand writing my stories I refuse to write with anything but a gel pen.
    *whispers* Also … what is a toxophilite? I really must broaden my vocabulary *nods*.

    1. I don’t really like writing with pens either, actually. Sorry. *sheepish grin*
      I should make you Google it, but I’m too nice:
      a student or lover of archery.
      of or relating to archers and archery.

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