Tag Archives: Star Wars

A Spoiler-Free Review of ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

You a Star Wars fan?  Considering going to see Solo?  My dear friend got me a ride to the theater yesterday, so here’s my thoughts:

We had high expectations for this movie, before anyone knew anything about it.  Meddling with a character like Han Solo was incredibly dangerous.  Did they pull it off?  I’m not so sure.

I walked into the theater, hoping they just wouldn’t do this one thing.  And less than five minutes into the two-hour movie, they did it.  I was still willing to give it a shot, but I don’t think they redeemed themselves.

Considering they were replacing Harrison Ford, they picked a great actor.  Alden Ehrenreich is good at what he does, and I think he did a phenomenal job with what he was given.  The acting was not at all a deal-breaker for me; my complaints are with the writing.  The characters all felt shallow, most of them felt completely unnecessary, the story-line felt rushed, and the ending dissolved into a messy web of unexplained plot-twists; not to mention, it did not mesh well with the already-existing Star Wars galaxy.

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t regret buying that ticket!  It was entertaining and funny; as a stand-alone action movie, it was pretty well done.  The fight scenes were cool–twirling fantasy weapons and throwing them at each other–and I enjoyed all the flying.  I also approve of a certain, large “living thing” that they bump into (almost literally) while they’re making the you-know-what.  I love that kind of thing in Star Wars–things with lots of eyes, and tentacles, and an insatiable appetite.  That’s what we watch sci-fi for!  Sadly, I found most of that sequence confusing and anticlimactic.

It just did not say Star Wars to me.  If you are going to mess with something that classic and well-loved, at least respect the characters involved!  I actually came home and asked my parents if George Lucas was dead–because why would any living storyteller let people botch their characters like this?

My big complaint?  Han Solo was too heroic.  Look at how he behaves at the beginning of A New Hope.  (Han shot first–am I right??)  In his backstory, Han Solo should be a lying, thieving, mercenary scoundrel, right?  But in Solo, Han was this sincere, super conscientious, overly naive young man, that switched into “smug Han Solo” mode every time there was a snarky line.  It was almost unbearable.

Chewbacca delivered pretty well, but he certainly didn’t get the interesting backstory we all wanted–we still know nothing about him!  I can only think of one added character I really liked.  The antagonist was the lamest attempt at an SW villain to ever fall short of Darth Vader.  Lando Calrissian is the only character I’m almost perfectly happy with (and even he had some cringe-worthy moments).

So my bottom line is this:

If you have two and half spare hours, $5 burning a hole in your pocket, and a hankering for an action movie (explosions, sarcasm, sci-fi beasts, some good blaster-action), there’s no better way to spend your afternoon.

But if you’re a fan of the original trilogy, and you’re looking for a nostalgic ride and a more complete understanding of your old friends, I think you’ll be disappointed.

More ramblings, starring Reese

Do you remember when I did the Describe Tag, and asked you all to help me name one of my characters?  Well, I’ve officially named her Reese Shattercane.

I actually named her shortly after I did the tag, but forgot to post again.  I recently remembered I promised to follow up with you guys, so. . . here we are.  Her name is Reese.

Sorry I’m late!

I just finally got a feel for the plot of her story, which I’m excited about.  It’s not very high on the “What To Write Next” list, but I still like playing with it, so it’s fun to know where I’m going!


In other news, I bought my first piece of Star Wars fan gear last month: Jyn’s stardust necklace (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story).

(Apparently the fans have dubbed it Jyn’s “Kyber necklace”, but I have been calling it her “stardust necklace” to myself since I left the theater, and I prefer that. 😉 )

My Lord of the Rings gear is getting excessive (as in, two shirts, a necklace, a pair of earrings, and a Galadriel crown), but this was my first Star Wars piece.


I posted about reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream recently, if you remember.  Well, I read The Tempest today, and it’s giving Julius Caesar (my favorite Shakespeare play) a real run for its money.

“My library was dukedom large enough. . .”

-The Tempest, Dover Thrift edition, page 6

Shakespeare was a master!

Happy Wednesday (because it is one), my amazing readers!

Catania’s Forest ~ Part Fourteen

Yesterday was one of the few days I didn’t need to post Cat’s Forest, so I thought I would post something else, but we were too busy,

I went to see Rogue One with some of my awesome people yesterday morning!  It’s a pretty intense movie, but still very good.  (First Star Wars to make me cry–congratulations, Rogue One.)  I had formed very great expectations (pun not intended) from the reviews I heard, and it did not disappoint!

Anyway, I’m super excited we got to this part.  In a way, it marks the beginning of the end.  (Which means Christmas is this week–how even?  I know everyone’s saying it, but how did Christmas get here so fast?)  It’s also. . . long.  As in, over a page. *cringe*  The parts just started getting longer and longer at this point, and there was never a place to break them up.  So here we are.  Consistency in length is something I’ve always been bad at.

Catania’s Forest: The Little Drummer-boy in Narnia ~ Part Fourteen


Catania awoke, and found everything about her dark. She sat up hazily, feeling strangely as if some sound had wakened her. She reached out and felt the heather beneath her, and touched her painfully dry eyes. She was still in her tunic and belt. She could not remember falling asleep, and she wondered what time it was. 

She thought it must be near midnight. No crack of sunlight seeped through any crevice around her door.


She froze as the faint voice hollered her name again. Slowly she reached out in the dark and grasped her bow.


She racked her brain, trying to place the voice. It was familiar. . . Jéru? What ever is he doing here? Her heart skipped a beat as the thought flashed across her mind: He is running away. He’s running at last, and he wants me to help him! What is to be done?

Jéru didn’t know where to find her, did he? If she kept quiet, he would never know she had ever heard him. Lord Nightseer was known for his pride and cruelty–he would hunt down escaped slaves. Catania knew all the risks. For a moment she sat still, torn between hiding in silence and going out. For an instant she wavered. Then she crawled forward, cracked open her hidden door, and slipped outside.

Continue reading Catania’s Forest ~ Part Fourteen

The Birthstone Book Tag

Good morning, readers!  Today is my first official day of Summer break!  I celebrated by staying up way too late last night watching Star Wars and sleeping in this morning. 😉  I’m so totally crazy.

Anyway, I snagged this free-for-all tag off of my friend Savannah’s blog (which, unfortunately, is not public, so I can’t link to it), and decided to do it today.  I was tagged by two other tags recently, which I need to get to posting, but I decided to do the unofficial one first, because. . . me.  I think it will come together faster than the other ones though.  I’ll give myself more time to get those together.

Continue reading The Birthstone Book Tag