Category Archives: My Writing

Mama’s birthday, more about my writing, and an apology

Today is Mama’s birthday!  Three years ago we brought M home from the hospital on her birthday… the only way to top the year before when we had nearly a hundred people over for an open house!  So glad Lucy is here this year!

Mama is very patient, and has sacrificed a lot because of her decisions on how to parent us.  I couldn’t ask for a better mother!


I’m facing writer’s block with “Searching For His Name” again, and I was wondering if you guys would help me?  The main character is traveling through a tunnel under a mountain, and I need some way for there to be light, so he can see this creature he runs into.  Any creative ideas about how he could get light down there?


I also think I should apologize that I haven’t been reading and approving comments: Spencer just taught me how to do that yesterday, so I’m hoping to do better… obviously, as I just asked you guys to give me ideas! 🙂

I read through four pages of comments last night.  I found a lot of spam, but I also found some very encouraging things that all of you took the time to type!

Did you know that I’m an author?

I visited a world today that I created over a year ago in 2013.  After a long writer’s block, I was surprised to come back so inspired.  I wrote over a chapter today in “Searching For His Name” not to mention I read everything I’d already written–almost exactly 90 hand-written pages.


“Is my name even worth all this?!” thought Rodden as he fought his way forward through the under-brush (61).


It was the Thing when I started it; until I started another book that took over.  I honestly think “The Captured Princess Series” is better, but this is at least worth finishing.  (I’ve learned my lesson about starting a book before you finished the last one! 🙂 )


“It looks as if you got into some trouble on the way!” observed the young man, scowling at Rodden’s tied hands.  “I didn’t do anything!” He cried earnestly.  “Honestly I didn’t!  They found me just standing on the mountain-side.  I don’t know what they wanted.”  Rodden sighed: it did NOT sound very convincing!  (66)


I’m in the middle of three books right now.  Which is a mess.  Don’t try it.  I get inspiration for stories before I can write them down.  Only now I’m going to keep them in my head until the first one’s written!

As I started “Searching For His Name” first I decided it made sense to finish it first.

Actually, I came back to it first because the computer wasn’t available and the others are typed, and then decided the above.


But I must press on, through sleet and snow, in sun or rain,

To reach that little white house again.

Back to the home I love so well,

Back to my loved-ones my tale to tell!


Maybe someday I’ll publish it, and you guys can read it.  And then you can tell people that you knew about it first! 🙂