
That disturbing moment, that happens while you’re comparing all your characters (from the story you’re currently writing) to your acquaintances, finding a real person that matches each one’s personality, to help you write them more realistically–that disturbing moment when you realize that your big, power-hungry, super evil villainess is. . . you.
I mean, we all knew writers could be cruel, but really?
#awkward #writerproblems #nieo&star

7 thoughts on “Villainy”

    1. Haha, thanks! Your response made me smile. 🙂 You seem to relate to your heroes a lot though, don’t you? But I guess I do too, usually. . .

  1. A good villain is a villain that believes he/she is the hero of the story–that he/she is ultimately in the right. If the villain in your story is yourself, then I’m willing to bet that it’s a great villain, a character that feels real and believable and is fascinating to follow.

    1. Bless you for this positive comment! 🙂
      That’s definitely true about villains. I tend to struggle with my antagonists. . . This villainess isn’t in the story a whole lot, but I’m getting excited about writing her!

    1. Well, this is my first time, but I feel like I’m going to get it a lot more in the future. . . I’ve been wondering recently what I would probably believe about myself if I was the villain in a story–guess this is what I ended up with. 😀

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