Bind my wand’ring heart to Thee


Come, Thou Found of ev’ry blessing,


Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;


Streams of mercy, never ceasing,


Call for songs of loudest praise.


Teach me some melodious sonnet,


Sung by flaming tongues above;


Praise the mount–I’m fixed upon it–


Mount of Thy redeeming love.


Here I raise mine Ebenezer,


Hither by Thy help I’m come;


And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,


Safely to arrive at home.


Jesus sought me when a stranger,


Wand’ring from the fold of God;


He to rescue me from danger,


Interposed His precious blood.


O to grace how great a debtor


Daily I’m constrained to be!


Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,


Bind my wand’ring heart to Thee:


Prone to wander–Lord, I feel it,


Prone to leave the God I love;


Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,


Seal it for Thy courts above.

“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” words by Robert Robinson

The Mushroom Feast #6

Here we are at last!

By the way, there are thirteen parts in all. . . which would make this the longest story I’ve ever posted!  The Sacrifice will probably beat it though, as I’m on Part 25 right now! 🙂  I think there will be 27 parts–so yes, I’m almost done!!!

Anyways, enough of this!  I’ll let you go:


Amelia opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a small room, with brown walls; lying on a green cushion. Everything was dim and hazy; and she felt dizzy and nauseous. Sitting up was out of the question. She felt pain in both her upper arms as if she had been burned.

Amelia closed her eyes. Even thinking about what had happened was beyond her. She was lying on a soft couch, without any spiders near her. That was enough.

Continue reading The Mushroom Feast #6

The Mushroom Feast #5

Sorry it’s so late, guys!  We had Bright Lights today–and company here all morning, so I didn’t have a lot of time.  Anyways, I’ve got time to do it now! 🙂

I almost deliberately waited to post this part until a Thursday, so you would have to wait the whole weekend to figure out what happens next.  (You’ll see why when you get to the end.)  Here we are though–guess I was just too excited about the story to skip any days! 🙂


Ryan and Amelia fluttered up onto the large rocks and joined the crowd of hunters that was gathering there. It seemed every man and boy in the colony had come. Most of them were talking and looking down between the tall (by fairy standards), steep cliffs the rock-sides made.

The web was stretched between the stone sides, Amelia knew. Everyone was talking about it, and Sir Hawthorn and his wife, Cianna, always knew what it was doing and what it had last caught. But she had never seen it for herself. She was brave and determined, but dangerous bugs were her limit. Her father had died of a bee-sting, and Amelia had been terrified of bites and stings since then. She had, with her mother’s gentle guidance, handled his death very well; but she had an unreasonable terror of bug bites. She hung back from the edge while the men talked.

Continue reading The Mushroom Feast #5

??? Mystery Quote #18} ???

It has been quite the week.  I think we’re all exhausted.

It was good though.  The best things are exhausting.  I went to Outreach everyday week-day this week for various amounts of time, got my ears pierced, and cried about my first Disney/Pixar movie.  Nice list, huh?  And we watched Big Hero 6 at Outreach and I almost cried about that too.

I know.

Stories get to me.  (The first one was Inside Out, which Spencer, Dad, Becca, and I went to see in the theater on Tuesday–neat movie!)

And we’re having company tomorrow night, and Bright Lights on Tuesday!  *nervous laugh*  We’ll make it.  A spirit of adventure can get you pretty far.


Last week’s quote was from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien.  It is from the last chapter, Chapter 10: “The Breaking of the Fellowship”.  The ‘he’ in brackets is Frodo.

Ellen and Savannah guessed the right trilogy, as did Juliana who also got Frodo’s name.  Great job!  Now:

“And be careful how you look on [her], whom he cherishes with the most jealous care; an he take the least alarm in that quarter we are but lost men.  It is said he banished his only son from his family for lifting his eyes in the way of affection towards this beauty.”

Happy guessing! 🙂