Tag Archives: Mystery Quote

??? Mystery Quote #18} ???

It has been quite the week.  I think we’re all exhausted.

It was good though.  The best things are exhausting.  I went to Outreach everyday week-day this week for various amounts of time, got my ears pierced, and cried about my first Disney/Pixar movie.  Nice list, huh?  And we watched Big Hero 6 at Outreach and I almost cried about that too.

I know.

Stories get to me.  (The first one was Inside Out, which Spencer, Dad, Becca, and I went to see in the theater on Tuesday–neat movie!)

And we’re having company tomorrow night, and Bright Lights on Tuesday!  *nervous laugh*  We’ll make it.  A spirit of adventure can get you pretty far.


Last week’s quote was from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien.  It is from the last chapter, Chapter 10: “The Breaking of the Fellowship”.  The ‘he’ in brackets is Frodo.

Ellen and Savannah guessed the right trilogy, as did Juliana who also got Frodo’s name.  Great job!  Now:

“And be careful how you look on [her], whom he cherishes with the most jealous care; an he take the least alarm in that quarter we are but lost men.  It is said he banished his only son from his family for lifting his eyes in the way of affection towards this beauty.”

Happy guessing! 🙂

??? {Mystery Quote #17} ???

Our church is doing an outreach this week, so I’ll be gone in the afternoons.  I will do my best to get things posted!  Anyway,

Last week’s quote was from the Bible!  It was 1 Kings 20:11.

Becca, Ellen, and Jaidyn guessed the Bible; and Becca also guessed 1 or 2 Kings.  Great job, that was a tricky one! :-)And now:

‘Surely you see it, my friend?’ he said, turning now suddenly back to [him] again.  ‘You say that you are afraid.  If it is so, the boldest should pardon you.  But is it not really your good sense that revolts?’  ‘No, I am afraid,’ said [he].  ‘Simply afraid.  But I am glad to have heard you speak so fully.  My mind is clearer now.’

This is a longer one.  And (hint for those of you who know me well) it’s from one of my favorite books!  And both the he‘s in brackets are the same person.  The the one that is not in brackets was simply ‘he’ in the book.  Sorry if that’s confusing!

Happy guessing!

??? {Mystery Quote #16} ???

I’m posting this because it’s Monday, but don’t miss the post I did late last night.


And Susie and Selena came out of their chrysalises today!


Beautiful, aren’t they?  Well, they look exactly the same!  In fact, I could have just had three pictures of Jane!  We did have three butterflies though, honestly. 😀

Anyways, on to “Mystery Quote”:

Last week’s quote was from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott; Chapter 29: “Calls”.

Hannah V. and Jaidyn guessed the right book; and so did Ellen, who also guessed the right chapter.  I know I’ve done a quote from Little Women before, but I’m running out of ideas!

By the way, I don't include page numbers because everyone's copy could have different numbers--Just thought I'd explain! :)


“Tell him: ‘One who puts on his armor should not boast like one who takes it off.'”

Hint: it's not from what you think it is!  And I haven't ever used this book as a "Mystery Quote", but I have quoted it on my blog before.

Happy guessing!

P.S.  Be sure to check in tomorrow.  I  just might have a post planned that I’m super-duper excited about!!! 🙂

??? {Mystery Quote #15} ???

Last week’s quote was from Carry On Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham, Chapter 9: “Anchor to Windward”.

Becca, Spencer, and Savannah guessed the right book!  Now, this week’s quote:

Let me see.  ‘Calm, cool, and quite’–yes, I think I can promise that.  I’ve played the part of a prim young lady on the stage, and I’ll try it off.  My powers are great, as you shall see; so be easy in your mind, my child.”

Happy guessing!

??? {Mystery Quote #14} ???

Last week’s quote came from Lost in the WoodsA Photographic Fantasy by Carl R. Sams II and Jean Stoick (which has no chapters).

Ellen and Juliana guessed the book, and Spencer. . . kind-of did.   I have more than one nature book on my shelves, but I think he meant this one! 🙂  Super cute; it’s a picture book about a fawn, that is illustrated by real photographs of wildlife.


“You mathematician!  I wish you could at least pay a compliment without arithmetic!”

Not sure how many of you have read this one, but I know some of you have.  Happy guessing!

??? {Mystery Quote #13} ???

Okay, who remembered I was doing “Mystery Quote” today?  No pressure, ’cause I almost forgot! 🙂  We’ll see how Monday works!


Last week’s quote was from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.  Chapter 13: “Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time”.  TOTALLY recommend this one! 🙂

Juliana, Spencer, and Micaiah all guessed the right book, and Micaiah guessed the chapter.  And Skylar gets creativity points for her guess: “The Story of the Walking Talking Stump”. 🙂  Now, this week’s quote:

“I’ve been watching you.  You’ve been alone for a long time,” said the chipmunk, stuffing another acorn into his fat cheeks.  “I hear you’re lost.”  “Mama said to wait, to wait right here,” whispered the fawn.  “She will come back.”

I think this one is really obvious if you’ve read the book, but I decided to go with it anyway.  Happy guessing!

P.S. You seriously need to listen to this.  Crazy good!  (Check with your parents, there might be unfortunate adds that come up before the video.  Sorry about that.)

??? {Mystery Quote #12} ???

Sorry it’s so late!  Bright Lights is kinda’ getting in the way,

So starting next week I’m going to try Monday instead.

I’ll see if that works better.  Anyway,

Last week’s quote came from The Princess Bride by William Goldman.  This is the first book I would not necessarily recommend.  I did not read all of the book.

Spencer, Becca, and Micaiah all guessed right.  (It was from Chapter 5, by the way; which no one guessed, probably because most of them guessed from the movie!)


And if you had watched long enough you would have seen the stump walk across to the boulder and the boulder sit up and begin talking to the stump.

Happy guessing! 🙂

??? {Mystery Quote #11} ???

Last week’s quote came from The Growly Books: Begin by Philip and Erin Ulrich, Chapter 13: “Hammocks”, and the [he] was Growly.

Becca guessed the right series, and Ellen guessed. . . everything else. 🙂

He was glazed with fatigue.  He had been bitten, cut, gone without rest. . . had saved and taken lives.  He had risked his world, and now it was walking away from him, hand in hand with a ruffian prince.

Hint: I don't know if any of you have read this book, but the movie is really popular, so I think some of you might get it because of that.

Happy guessing!

??? {Mystery Quote #10} ???

10th “Mystery Quote”!!!


I feel like I should do something special, but I can’t think of anything. 🙂  Anyways, Bright Lights hasn’t interfered with “Mystery Quote” yet, but if it starts to be a problem I still might switch.  I might have troubles this fall when school starts.  Now,

Last week’s quote was from Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis; Chapter 15, “Three Thousand Friends”.  AWESOME book, go read it if you haven’t.  You can read Katie Davis’ blog here.

Ellen, Becca, Juliana, and Savannah guessed the right book; and Juliana blew this week out of the water guessing the chapter number, chapter name, and describing the chapter in less than a sentence–that from yours truly, who writes this kind of book review! 😀  Moving on, next quote:

The sounds of birds were everywhere, but with the heavy rain they must be keeping to their homes in the trees.  [He] only saw one occasionally, and it was never his bird, the one who had come to him in the mountains.

I wanted to do a different quote from that book, but I would have had to put in too many [he]’s to make sense. 🙂


I’ll go ahead and throw in my favorite character post from May:

Mr. Revere and I by Robert Lawson – Mr. Revere or Sherry

Judge by R.J. Larson – King Akabe or Dan Roeh–or Kien, just ’cause he reminds me of myself. 🙂

Cinnabar: the One O’Clock Fox by Marguerite Henry – Cinnabar?

Fair Wind to Virginia by Cornelia Meigs – Francis Newington or Becky

Have any of you guys read these?  Have a favorite character?  Happy guessing!

??? {Mystery Quote #9} ???

Mom, Michael, Lucy, Spencer and I went to the Zoo this morning (pictures coming) and the Zoo always wears me out.  So I’m kinda’ tired this afternoon, and I also had little inspiration for what quote to use today.  I just randomly grabbed a book off the shelf in our living room, and starting flipping around.  And found a quote.  A bit of a strange one, but I decided to use it.  So, without further ado:

Last week’s quote came from The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner.

Ellen guessed right, and gets brownie points for guessing the chapter (chapter eight; “A Swimming Pool At Last”).

NOTE: Should we make a rule that from now on you can try and guess the chapter (you can look it up in the book)?

Okay, the quote I found this afternoon:

Disastrous would be a good word to describe the whole experience.  I drove away drenched, exhausted, and covered in mud and bean juice, but not discouraged.  Somehow, God was going to reach these people.  Not through my hauling our extra food and trying to throw them a picnic, but somehow.

I’m not sure how many of you have read this book, but I’m pretty sure some of you have, and. . . I’m not giving any more hints.

Happy guessing!