Tag Archives: holidays

Happy Easter, guys!


Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Alleluia!
Sons of men and angels say: Alleluia!


Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heav’ns, and earth reply: Alleluia!


Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!
Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!


Dying once He all doth save, Alleluia!
Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!


Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!


Death in vain forbids Him rise, Alleluia!
Christ has opened Paradise, Alleluia!


Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia!
Foll’wing our exalted Head, Alleluia!


Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!


“Christ the Lord is Risen Today”
Words by Charles Wesley


Like I said yesterday, we know that there is a happy ending.

The thing is, they didn’t.

Did you ever think about the fact that Jesus was dead for a whole day before the Resurrection?  Did you ever think about what the disciples and the other followers of Jesus did today?

I wonder how many times they forgot about the Crucifixion, and thought about something else.  I wonder how many times their spirits lifted–just a little.  How many times one of them smiled about something–and then remembered.  It’s always like that when you’re sad.  You can forget  for a while, but it keeps coming back.  The over-hanging gloom engulfs you–again.

We know the end of the story.  They didn’t.

People don’t make a big deal about today.  They don’t really mention it.  Maybe because nothing comes to mind.  Nothing happened today.  Or maybe–just maybe–is it because they don’t want to go there?  They don’t want to venture near such despair?  We shy away from the Crucifixion too, just a bit.  Probably because it’s gory, and we don’t like that.  But we talk about Good Friday.  It has a name.  (It’s kind-of too big a deal to be ignored.)  I think we would just have Easter if we could.  Do we not talk about today because nothing happened?  But the people who were living the story couldn’t glaze over it like that.

Have you ever tried putting yourself in their place?

Sometimes when you read allegories it helps you.

But allegories always shorten the time.  It’s always a matter of hours.  The Crucifixion happens at night, and the Resurrection comes the next morning with the rising sun.

Don’t ask why, but this kinda’ bothers me.  If I ever write an allegory, I’m going to put in lots of time that represent today.  I don’t know why.  Maybe because I want more emphasis on the Resurrection.

Try to put yourself in Jesus’ follow’s shoes today.  Think about it.  And then think about it tomorrow.

Think about how much joy Easter really created.

Think about conquering death.

Think about what He saved you from.


“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”
-Luke 19:10

The Cross

It’s Good Friday.

What can I say?  It’s a weird day for us, because we know the end of the story.  It’s a day of terrific tragedy and injustice.  It’s a day of incredible love and redemption.

The cross.  It’s become mundane.  We wear jewelry adorned with crosses, and we don’t really think about the fact that we’re running around with miniature torture machines hung around our necks.

Jade - even in China
Jade – even in China

In Grace Mally’s book Will Our Generation Speak there is a picture her father drew of the Crucifixion, with the caption: famous last words: finally people will stop talking about Jesus now.

People thought they were quenching Him.  But they were not.  They were doing what God had planned for them to do when He sent His Son to earth–because they couldn’t stop the Resurrection,

Like I said before, we know about the Resurrection–already.  We know today.  We’ll know tomorrow.  We knew yesterday.  Which is what makes this such a weird holiday for us.  How do we handle the day our Lord died for us, knowing that He was going to rise again in three short days?

I think I’m going to celebrate today–celebrate my Savior and His incredible love for me.

Remember the cross today, and don’t forget it when Easter comes and you’re distracted trying to find plastic eggs.  Don’t forget it when Easter’s gone, and we think about Summer and the Fourth of July.

I don’t want to ever forget.  I want to think about it next Christmas.

I’ve been saying that Christmas was my favorite holiday.  Because I like how we celebrate it.  But when it comes to what it’s really about–not how we celebrate–I think I like Easter best.

I really do.

New Life

St. Patrick’s Day finally out of my way, I feel freed up to post about Easter! 🙂


I’ve heard Christians say that they don’t like Easter, because they don’t like the way we celebrate it.  And really, how did we get here?

Just as Christmas has somehow become about Santa Claus and presents, Easter has become about eggs and this guy called ‘the Easter Bunny’.

By the way, could anyone tell me what in the world the Easter Bunny looks like?  Didn’t think so.  Because nobody knows.  It’s different in every picture-book.  At least Santa Claus has some hard-and-fast characteristics that everyone agrees on!  I mean, what color his gloves are and how long his beard is and other such details are arguable, but everyone agrees on the over-all big picture.

So, I understand where the egg-thing came from–new life and everything–but how did we get to the point in which they’re hidden by a rabbit whose only steadfast virtue is his bunniness?

Easter is about Christ.  Which is what we’ve been trying (with a little translation help) to tell Lucy.  We’re trying to communicate that it’s about new life, new things.  New birth.

In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here; he has risen!”

Luke 24:5, 6a

Module 7 story #1

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!

I’m not wearing green.  Just for spite, ’cause pinching always bothered me.  Sorry.  I’m like that.


Trusty wreath always gives me pictures to post on holidays! 🙂


Mom turned on Irish music; so I’ve spent all morning dancing around the house to the fiddles. 🙂  We switched to Rend Collective after lunch.  Still Irish, right?  Well, whatever you say, it’s at the top of my list–’cause Rend Collective’s at the top of all my lists. 🙂



Okay: this wasn’t actually what I was planning on posting today, but then I realized I should post this story, so I’m going to post that ‘other thing’ I’ve been saying I will on the Tuesday after I get done with this story.

So I’ve always really like science.  But this year I started General Science and detested it.  Especially when he started trying to tell me that math was an indispensable aspect of science.  But we were reconciled when I got past pulleys and levers and how-to-perform-experiments, and started studying geology and archaeology.

But the tests were still torture.  So Mom told me not to do them.  She said I could write  a page about the module instead.  And that wasn’t so bad; but I wasn’t happy about how my papers turned out.

So (in a very round-about way) we came up with the idea of my writing a story for every module.  I feel liberated. #ILoveHomeSchooling

So this story goes along with Exploring Creation with General Science by Dr. Jay L. Wile, Module 7.  I borrowed a little information about how rocks form from Module 6.  (7 is the first module I wrote a story about.)  Okay, here it is:


My dear reader,

This story is probably the most scientific story I’ve ever written. It was inspired by a chapter in my science book. And, as it was only one chapter and I haven’t finished the book, I don’t really know if it’s accurate. The only thing I’m sure of is the information about fossils. I don’t even know anything about Siberia. Nothing. This is my idea of how something like this might go, based on what I’ve heard. Enjoy!

H.M.R. on 3/7/15

Module 7 story:

I pulled my scarf up over my mouth and nose with my stiff, mittened fingers. That was the one thousandth time it had slipped down around my neck—I was sure. I glared down at Dr. Peterson and Dad’s boots crunching in the snow ahead of me. My backpack had felt like lead before Dr. Peterson offered to carry it for me. The thrill of being here did not really make up for the nose-biting cold and the fact that we had to drag our luggage up here ourselves. Who cared that I was in Siberia—I was in SIBERIA for pity’s sake, and I couldn’t think of the last time I had been this miserable.

Continue reading Module 7 story #1

Blessings and Stories: Love

Happy March, y’all!  Lucy figured out about St. Patrick’s Day, and was just sure that we needed shamrocks now that it was March. 🙂


She saw them at someone else’s house–they do Christmas in China, but not St. Patrick’s Day.

I thought I should do another “Blessings and Stories” post; so, keeping the Valentine’s Day theme (because March is not May), I did one I wrote about love.


When I was little I came to the conclusion that we would be happier if we didn’t lose our hearts to stuff.  I realized that if there wasn’t anything I didn’t want broken or lost, and I knew I would go to heaven, I would have no problems.  No worries.  Zero.

But there was a hitch: people.  If there were people in you life that you loved, you would worry about them.  Even if you knew they were going to heaven, you would worry about them–and you don’t.  Sometimes you just don’t know.

And try as I might I couldn’t get past that.  I knew it was important to love people–I wasn’t giving up on that.  But loving is problematic.  It’s dangerous, and it’s inconvenient.

I remember a time when two of my friends weren’t getting along, and I felt stuck in the middle of it; and when I told my mom about it she explained that if you lived all alone on an island you would be lonely, but life would be easier.  ‘Cause relationships are messy.  Very messy.

Recently we re-watched The Princess Bride.  It’s a good movie; entertaining and funny, but it’s morals are “off”.  And there’s this theme in it that if you love someone hard enough then neither of you can die.  Which is absurd.

It makes love practical.  And love is not.

Oh, and love is not a feeling.  Whatever anyone says.  It’s not a wishy-woshy sensation that makes you go light-headed whenever someone walks into the room.  It’s a choice.  And a hard one sometimes.

Love is not practical.  It doesn’t make things perfect.  It will wreck your life.  And resurrect it again.  Because God is love, and Jesus will wreck you life, and then bring it back together again–exactly what happened to HIM when HE loved us.

I love the quote from the movie Frozen: “Love is putting someone else’s needs before you own.”  Because that’s a choice.  And you rarely feel like putting someone else first.

I wrote on my blog recently: “I’m in love.  And that’s dangerous, because when you truly love someone you are willing to do anything for them.”

I liked the quote from the Rend Collective song The Cost: “Real love is not afraid to bleed.”

Love is patient.  Love is kind.

But love is courageous.

It’s Never Too Late, Right?

It’s still February.  Which is my excuse for still posting about Valentine’s Day; but the truth is I’d still be posting it if it was April.

Really the only reason I feel weird about is probably the fact that we’ve already celebrated a different holiday.  But I’m posting anyway.

I wanted to make sure I acknowledged the existence of Valentine’s Day, so I posted this, but I thought I’d share a little more about our day.  Are you guys sure you don’t mind it when I bury you in pictures I took on my little silver camera?

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Cinnamon rolls are a pretty typical holiday-breakfast at our house.  I ask for them every year on my birthday! 🙂

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It took me foreeeever to get a clear picture of those roses!

We hung bags on the back of everybody's chair for people to put Valentines in.  We opened them after dinner.
We hung bags on the back of everybody’s chair for people to put Valentines in. We opened them after dinner.

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This was taken through the red heart on the bag pictured below.
This was taken through the red heart on the bag pictured below.


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Little brother packaged up a (used) crayon and a scrap of paper with his initial on it.
Little brother packaged up a (used) crayon and a scrap of paper with his initial on it for me.  Way too cute! 🙂
Photo-bombed... by a candy heart.  It had a little help from someone :)
Photo-bombed… by a candy heart. It had a little help from someone 🙂
Happy Valentine's Day, folks!
Happy Valentine’s Day, folks!


P.S. I now know why someone came up with the abbreviation V-Day: typing out the whole V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E-‘S D-A-Y is monotonous!

P.P.S.  This post about Valentine’s Day is sooo good!  I’m not laughing.  Seriously.

Note: I read the above blog with my mother, so we can discuss some of the more mature topics.  This post shouldn’t be a problem, but kids should talk to their parents before browsing around.


Happy Monday!!! 🙂



Our Chinese New Year Celebration!


Michael and Lucy helped make red, paper lanterns with Mom.  The ones on either side are store-bought, but they made the middle one.  (They made more than that; I’m not sure what happened to the other ones.)


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Mama decorated our table the night before.

We had Asian food for dinner, and then lit off fireworks:

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Michael stomping "snaps" with his little lawn-chair.  Sooo cute! :)
Michael stomping “snaps” with his little lawn-chair. Sooo cute! 🙂

The noise was a little too much for some of us, so Mom and Becca went inside with the littles to watch out the window, while I stayed outside and took pictures.

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I cannot believe I got such a good picture!  I was just randomly snapping!

Sparkling juice:

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Xin Nian Kuai Le, folks!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Today is the first day of Chinese New Year!  We got Chinese food last year (the Hy-Vee kind ’cause all the real Asian restaurants were packed out) but we’re going a little more all out this year with Lucy.

As it’s a two-week festival, we’re actually celebrating tomorrow night because Becca  and Spencer work on Thursday evenings.


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Happy Chinese New Year, folks!


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I never thought I’d be the girl that posted about this… but I’m a lot of things I never expected to be.  I’m a big sister, I’m a world traveler (kind of 🙂 ), I’m a blog-writer, and I’m crazy about China.  Who would have thought?