Tag Archives: Good Friday

“Good Friday”

“This is my blood.  Drink it in remembrance of me.”

Good Friday.  It’s the day we celebrate someone being tortured to death.  It’s an odd holiday, and it’s unfortunately over-looked.

In the Old Testament, God told the Israelites not to eat blood, not to touch death, that anyone hung on a tree was cursed.  That everything the cross was, was ugly–but that’s where God found redemption, in the ugliness.  Our redemption–and that’s why we celebrate.

I’ve always tried to find beauty in everything; from illness and thunder storms, to traffic noise and trash.  I’ve tried to find redemption everywhere.  I never quite understood why I did it, until I really thought about where Jesus found my redemption.

The cross was ugly, but it had to be, because human beings are ugly too.  God redeemed them both.  And that’s why we celebrate a night of blood and sweat, and pain and tears, and death.  We celebrate God’s redemption, that is there through nights like that.


My Mom read me an article recently, that an adoptee wrote about things adopted children often struggle with.  To be honest, it was a pretty hard read.  I knew I believed in the power of listening to others and hurting alongside them when you could do nothing else–but somehow I felt something in me shutting down to the heartbreak.

I’ve experienced pain in many forms, but this was pain I could avoid, walk away from.  Someone else’s cross, I could choose to carry–or not.  You might think I had already made this decision, but adoption isn’t a moment in time, it’s a journey.  It isn’t my consent on a legal document, it’s my promise to always, always, always accept you.  Sure, these kids were my siblings–that didn’t guarantee a natural, Christ-like love on the spot.

(Who am I kidding, is love ever natural?  Yes and no–because we’re all sinful, but we’re also all made in God’s image.)

We were family, whether I liked it or not at that point, but that didn’t mean I had to bear their pain.  I was faced, as I so often am, with the unexpected choice.  There was no question in my mind as to what was right–Jesus bore our pain, our sin, our shame, in ways I can never identify with.  He wants us to do the same.  He wants us to care, He wants us to show up.  He can do the rest.

I think there is something God is trying to teach me about pain, because shortly after this our pastor started a sermon series about the cross.

What if there’s gain in feeling someone else’s pain, just because we can?

Jesus said to take up our crosses daily and follow Him.  I think he also wants us to take up others’ crosses, and help them bear them.

This Good Friday, are we willing to look at the cross, as it truly was–painful, ugly, shameful, and unjust?  Are we willing to look at pain?