Tag Archives: Frozen


Hey, guys!  I found a few (or more than a few! 🙂 ) music videos recently that I’ve been watching, and I thought I would share them with you all!

Kids, please check talk with your parents first.  A lot of these are mostly just lyrics, but figure out what works best for your family.  I have had some trouble with Youtube bringing up unhelpful video suggestions at the end.

This song is soo pretty! We sang it at a Bright Lights conference this summer, and I decided I needed to find it somewhere and memorize it!

I had the opportunity to attend a concert by the Gaither band with my grandparents a while ago, and heard David Phelps sing this song.  It really stood out to me.  We looked it up so the rest of my family could hear it, and I’ve listened to it almost every day since then!


It’s from The Hobbit.  “What praise could I say more?” 🙂

The picture at the end annoys me, but I like how the video is made!


For those of you who haven’t heard, I’m crazy about the new “Cinderella” movie.  I enjoyed it more than the old one, though it isn’t necessarily as good for younger kids.  “Have courage and be kind.” 

This video was very well made!  She has the original soundtrack playing, and only does the violin for the vocal parts!

Once again, it’s from Middle Earth.  Of course I love it. 🙂

Still Taylor Davis.  And still Middle Earth.  I love how heart-felt her playing is!  She really tapped into the bitter-sweet depth this song has.  And look at the violin she’s playing–I’ve never seen one like that before!

Can you tell I have an obsession with violins?  (No, I don’t play one.)  I love how she practically dances while she plays–she really knows what she’s doing with a violin!  And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this, and I still haven’t gotten over her dress–or the scenery!  Actually filmed in New Zealand!

And that’s about it.  I just figured out I really like music videos, so I’ve been watching to a lot lately! 🙂

Happy Monday!

Blessings and Stories: Love

Happy March, y’all!  Lucy figured out about St. Patrick’s Day, and was just sure that we needed shamrocks now that it was March. 🙂


She saw them at someone else’s house–they do Christmas in China, but not St. Patrick’s Day.

I thought I should do another “Blessings and Stories” post; so, keeping the Valentine’s Day theme (because March is not May), I did one I wrote about love.


When I was little I came to the conclusion that we would be happier if we didn’t lose our hearts to stuff.  I realized that if there wasn’t anything I didn’t want broken or lost, and I knew I would go to heaven, I would have no problems.  No worries.  Zero.

But there was a hitch: people.  If there were people in you life that you loved, you would worry about them.  Even if you knew they were going to heaven, you would worry about them–and you don’t.  Sometimes you just don’t know.

And try as I might I couldn’t get past that.  I knew it was important to love people–I wasn’t giving up on that.  But loving is problematic.  It’s dangerous, and it’s inconvenient.

I remember a time when two of my friends weren’t getting along, and I felt stuck in the middle of it; and when I told my mom about it she explained that if you lived all alone on an island you would be lonely, but life would be easier.  ‘Cause relationships are messy.  Very messy.

Recently we re-watched The Princess Bride.  It’s a good movie; entertaining and funny, but it’s morals are “off”.  And there’s this theme in it that if you love someone hard enough then neither of you can die.  Which is absurd.

It makes love practical.  And love is not.

Oh, and love is not a feeling.  Whatever anyone says.  It’s not a wishy-woshy sensation that makes you go light-headed whenever someone walks into the room.  It’s a choice.  And a hard one sometimes.

Love is not practical.  It doesn’t make things perfect.  It will wreck your life.  And resurrect it again.  Because God is love, and Jesus will wreck you life, and then bring it back together again–exactly what happened to HIM when HE loved us.

I love the quote from the movie Frozen: “Love is putting someone else’s needs before you own.”  Because that’s a choice.  And you rarely feel like putting someone else first.

I wrote on my blog recently: “I’m in love.  And that’s dangerous, because when you truly love someone you are willing to do anything for them.”

I liked the quote from the Rend Collective song The Cost: “Real love is not afraid to bleed.”

Love is patient.  Love is kind.

But love is courageous.

Another Old Favorite

I was gone for eight hours yesterday, and had a BLAST!

I went to a play of “Little Women” with some friends…


(at the Omaha Community Playhouse, believe it or not!)


…and then went to “Noodles & Co.” for lunch!


The play was good–not as good as the book, but is anything?  I mean, the book is always better than the movie or play. right?  Well, maybe that’s just me.  I’m a bookworm–though you guys probably figured that one out already! 🙂

They dramatized it a lot, made it a musical, left things out, and scrunched it all together–like putting the Jo-Meets-Apollyon-chapter part being about Meg and Jo’s first ball, not the theater, kind of thing; and John and Laurie proposing before Mrs. March came home.

That bothered me a little; but if you included everything in the book,  the play would be like twenty-four hours long something insane like that!

And the music was good touch!  The only problem was that you I (at any rate) can’t memorize songs the first time I hear them, and I have no way to listen to them again, so I can’t sing them.  Tragic, is it not?

It was almost as emotional as the book too: I spent the whole after-intermission-half trying not to cry!  Good actors, and a good story.

Good singers too–incredibly good!  One of the songs (actually one of my favorites) really reminded me of “Let It Go”–it had the same powerful piano-music; without so much of the hopeful and liberated feelings.  Jo sings it right after she refuses Laurie’s proposal, and I was like “oh my word!  I’ve totally felt like that before!”



Us “bigs” finished off the day with a rousing game of “Bang!”


Dad got out chips and salsa.  We all enjoyed the chips, but one of us doesn’t hold with salsa (okay, okay: it’s me).

Love these people! :-)

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Love these people! 🙂


“God winds you up, and you go till He stops you” (514).

-“Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott 🙂

Two Weeks

You know that scene in “Frozen” where the king and queen are packing, and Anna comes skipping in and is like “See you in two weeks!” all bouncy and cheery?

Well, two weeks is seriously a LONG time, Anna!  Don’t be so chipper about it!

We ordered Jimmy John’s like weeks after we got home from China or something, and there was a piece of lettuce stuck to my sandwich and I had this wait-can-I-eat-this? moment, before I realized: I’m in America, I can eat anything!

And after we got home I didn’t want say thank-you to people: I wanted to say xie xie–which seriously would have made me look crazy back here! 🙂

Two weeks is truly an awfully long time–but even after two weeks things wear off fast.  I’m honestly glad we have pictures so I can’t forget how things were!

China at its fullest
China at its fullest

Yes, those are eggs! 🙂


P.S. And no pressure, but seriously if there’s something I’ve posted about that you want to hear more on, comment.  Any time, any post; if there’s a tag or just a subject you like the best, by all means tell me.  I write because I like to, but this blog is for you.  There’s no point in it, if you guys are bored.  I want your in-put!

Happy Wednesday! 🙂

With You

“…It’s so much more friendly with two.”

-Piglet, Winnie the Pooh, by A. A. Milne, page 132

People weren’t made to be by themselves.  They need each other.  Sometimes Life gives you lemons, and we weren’t made to carry so much fruit alone.

Kristoff tried to get out of helping Anna–but she never would have made it without him.

Elsa tried to shut Anna out–but if Anna hadn’t pursued, Elsa would have been killed.

Inigo couldn’t have gotten through the Zoo of Death without Fezzik, and Fezzik couldn’t have made it without Inigo.

And neither of them would have made it into the castle without Westley–but Westley would not have gotten into the castle without them.

The dwarves didn’t want to bring Bilbo at first–but they never would have succeeded without him.

Thorin didn’t want to give Bard gold to help the people of Esgaroth–but Thorin would not have gotten the treasure back without Bard anyway.

Frodo tried to leave Sam–but he never would have made it without him.

Sam almost convinced Frodo not to trust Strider–but they never would have gotten there without him.

First Frodo, then Elrond almost succeeded in sending Merry and Pippin home–but if they hadn’t come Denethor would have killed Faramir and the Witchking would have killed Eowyn.

“Thorin and Co.” would never have gotten inside the Lonely Mountain without Elrond, and the hobbits wouldn’t even have gotten to Bree without Tom Bombadil.

Naomi tried to leave Ruth–but I don’t know how she would have managed without her, and I don’t think Ruth would have gotten so far without Boaz.

Joseph tried to leave Mary–and I don’t think she would have made it alone.

God created Eve the same day he created Adam.  People need people.  We can’t do this alone.  We just can’t.

I need you guys!