
She knelt on the floor beside their bed, hearing her sister’s even breathing just above her. Β She leaned forward against the carpet and whispered a prayer into the darkness.

“I have no words to describe You.”

Maybe, she thought as she stood up and crawled under the warm blankets, when I get to heaven, I’ll find the words.

And when she realized that it was one of the most exciting ideas she’d had about heaven, she knew she was, and always would be, a writer.

16 thoughts on “words”

    1. Thanks, Ellen.
      Okay, I have to ask: what in the world does hair color have to do with writing? I don’t get it.
      Actually, I do get it: you just like saying that.

  1. Everything that everybody said is SO TRUE, Hanna Rothfuss.
    You will and will always be a writer!

    Miss y’all!!
    Jaidyn Elise

  2. ( BTW, When do you think that you will be posting and answering our questions for the behind the scenes Cat’s Forest??)
    Jaidyn Elise

    1. Thanks, Jai!

      As for your question, I don’t know yet. I have less time to write since school started, but I’m hoping to get it up soon.

  3. Your welcome. =)????

    OK, I totally get it! School has been taking up a lot of our time to, it’s beginning to get harder to get my posts up too. ???????OK, I’ve decided I am emoji crazy. =P

    Jaidyn Elise

  4. I found your blog through Savannah Grace and just … this is so pretty *heart eyes* I love the whole feel of your blog! I can see why Savannah listed it as one of the most inspiring sites πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks for commenting, Hannah! I’m glad you found my blog, and enjoyed it! Your comment really made my day. πŸ™‚

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