
So earlier this week, I finally decided it was time to buckle down and finish Catania’s Forest.

I decided to make up a posting schedule starting next week, hoping that would motivate me to finish writing by the weekend.  And then I figured out I was going to my speech club’s practice tournament tomorrow, and. . . needed to finish my speech.  I decided to go ahead and try to do both, and write myself off a cliff, because I’m just like that sometimes.  I’m happy to say my speech is going fine (and I have the excuse that I just got home from China and am “technically” still jet-lagged, if it goes terribly), and (drum-roll please) Catania’s Forest went to the editors today!!  That sounds awfully official.  It’s really just my parents–but they’re awesome proofreaders.

So, all that to say, I’m done writing Cat’s Forest, and it should make it’s appearance on here. . . soon.  We’ll just play it safe, and not say anything more specific than soon. 🙂

13 thoughts on “Writing”

  1. This is wonderful, Hanna!! =D
    I’m sure you will do wonderfully at the Speech tournament!! =D
    Cat’s forest sounds like it will be wonderful- and just in time for Christmas!! =D I bet your parents are wonderful editors. =)
    Have a wonderful day!! Miss you!!!!!
    Jaidyn Elise

    1. Thank you! I’m feeling pretty good about my speech.

      I’m super happy it’s done in time for Christmas!

      Miss you too!

      1. Your totally welcome!! =D #That’sWhatFriendsAreFor =D
        YES YES YES!!!!! Cause, I mean, it’s a Christmas story!! XD
        =D I hope to see you all soon!! ( Like REALLY SOON. XD)
        Jaidyn Elise

  2. *cheers extremely loudly* HURRAY for Cat’s forest being almost done!!! I’m so, SO crazy excited to read it 😀 (and I find editors of ANY SORT are terrifying. They just are. Good for you for letting Cat’s forest be edited 😀 )

    So are you planning on having the last part of Cat’s forest posted on Christmas Eve, or do you think it will take too long to post all of the story for that to happen? (by the way, I’m super happy that it’s a Christmas-y story *nodnod*) (and your first sentence of it is amazing 😀 )

    1. They are terrifying, but I’ve found they’re helpful, so I make myself keep handing my story’s over. My editor’s are always very encouraging too! 🙂

      I am going to post the last part on Christmas Eve. Which means the schedule is a mess–just assigned days so I get them all in before the 24th, not specific days of the week.

      Thank you! It’s not super Christmas-y, but. . . well, I shouldn’t tell you that. You’ll just have to read it.

  3. Exciting Hanna!
    I bet your parents are some of the least terrifying editors though! Just warning ya’. 😉 I have to admit, I don’t have much…. okay, any experience in the field of official editors (yet), that’s just my thought. 😉
    I bet your story is excellent and I can’t wait to read it!

    P.S. You’re a GREAT author, I’m a big fan!

    -Cerra Cat-

    1. Yes, it could be a lot more terrifying having other people edit my stories! 😉

      You feel like a real author when you have fans. 😉 Thank you so much, that made my day!

  4. My mom serves as my editor as well! =) She usually skims my blog posts and reads my stories.

    I can’t wait for Catania’s Forest! Good luck on your speech! =)

    1. Your Dad talked about proofreading your stories while we were in China! 🙂 I often ask one of my parents to read my blog posts too.

      My first speech tournament went well!

      I hope you don’t have to wait long!

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