The drive to the airport

Almost a year ago Becca drove Mom, Dad, and I to the airport to get Lucy.  Very early this morning the three of us rode with her to see her off on her flight to China, on her first trip out of the country!

Love ya, sister!  Can’t wait to hear your stories from this place I love.

??? {Mystery Quote #22} ???

I really haven’t posted all week?  Guess not.  We’ve been fairly busy, and high-school never helps that!  Anyway, I’m back now:

Last week’s quote was from The Hobbit  by J.R.R. Tolkien, Chapter 18: “The Return Journey”.

Juliana and Spencer J Rothfuss guessed the title, and Micaiah guessed everything else.  Savannah Perran, Ellen, Skylar Perran, Jaidyn Perran, and Katie get half-credit. 🙂  Starting now though,

You need to make your guess before you read other peoples’ comments.

It’s just too easy when five people comment and say the same thing!

Anyway, this week’s quote:

Love could do nothing; and when we have said that we have said all, for it is stronger than anything else in the whole wide world.

Happy guessing!