The Mushroom Feast #7

Hey, guys.

I’m back.  I’m sorry I didn’t get the “Mystery Quote” done yesterday.  I had no inspiration for what book to quote that morning, and then I just never got back to it.  I guess I’m running out of books.

Last week’s quote was from Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, and the [she] is Rowena.  Spencer and Ellen got it right, and Spencer also guessed who [she] was.  Great job, guys–especially considering that neither of you have read the book!

And, like I said, I’m running out of inspiration on books, so I’m going to take a break from “Mystery Quote” for a while.  I’ll still have my story to keep me posting regularly.  I’m considering doing something weekly after I finish posting The Mushroom Feast, and before I start posting The Sacrifice, but I’m not sure I will.

Anyways, I’ll let you read! 🙂


Amelia stayed at the Hawthorns’ for nearly a week, because Cianna said the spider-bite should be washed and bandaged every day, and she couldn’t reach the spot on her neck very well herself. The dizziness went away in a few days, and the burns were long gone even by that time, so Amelia did her best to make herself useful while she stayed. She helped Cianna cook and clean their large tree-stump home. It seemed as big as a mansion to her, after her little one-room house; and she felt uncomfortably as if she were staying in a palace with a king and queen. She felt inferior, though neither of the Hawthorns would ever have tried to make her feel so.

Ryan went to her house everyday and fed Jerry. He usually came up to the Hawthorns’ after that to talk to Amelia. He told her about the councils when he visited, if Sir Hawthorn hadn’t yet. King Titus held one almost every day. But it didn’t do any good. They could decide nothing. Ryan told her that they were all too scared to try the spider idea again. It wasn’t dangerous, Amelia pointed out, if they’d just be more careful; and Ryan agreed with her, but no one else did. King Titus would not hear of risking it.

That Monday the Hawthorns said Amelia could go home—she was wonderfully happy; she missed Jerry, and she was homesick for the little mud-brick house. Sir Hawthorn said he would drive her back in the carriage. Amelia stood watching, trying not to show that she was impatient, as he harnessed up the two brown mice.

“It looks like rain,” he observed, looking up at the clouds. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to spend the night here? I think we’re in for quite a storm!”

“I’ll be okay, thank you,” she answered.

He tried to dissuade her, but she politely insisted she would be just fine. Finally he finished harnessing and they drove away. Amelia gripped the sides of the carriage, as the wind flew in her face. She had never ridden in a carriage before; or ever gone so fast, except maybe on her own wings (which was quite different).

When they reached her little home they found Ryan there. Amelia was still weak, from lying still for a long time and not eating much on account of an upset stomach; but she scrambled out of the carriage as quickly as she could. Jerry came rushing up to his mistress, as soon as he recognized her. She sat down on the ground and hugged him into her lap.

“Welcome home,” said Ryan, smiling.


“Are you two sure you’ll be alright?” Sir Hawthorn interjected. “Look at those clouds!” They were alarming, gray and ominous. The air was heavy and damp and still, and, the wind held its breath; every leaf and blade of grass hanging limp and silent: the calm before the storm.

Sir Hawthorn was only in his thirties, but he viewed the seventeen-year-old and eighteen-year-old as incompetent youngsters.

“Thank you, sir, but we’ll be fine,” Ryan said as respectfully as he could manage, being rather annoyed at the older fairy’s caution. He was a prince, but elders were elders.

Sir Hawthorn eyed them doubtfully, then bid them good-day and drove off. Amelia turned towards Ryan. “Thank you so much for all your help.”

“Don’t mention it,” Ryan answered. “It was fun. I ought to be getting home,” he added glancing upwards meaningfully. “Do you need anything?”

“Nope, I’m good. I’ve been through storms before. Thank you though. And are you sure you can get to the castle in time? You could stay here so you don’t get caught in the rain. It’s just a few leaves, but I’d want some kind of roof over my head in what appears to be coming!”

“You sound like Sir Hawthorn now,” Ryan said with a smile. “I’ll be fine. I’ll see you later. Be safe!”

“You too!” Amelia watched him flashing off on his bright wings like a dragonfly, before walking inside and looking around. Then she looked down at Jerry, who had scuttled onto her feet. “Time to batten down the hatches.”

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